Recognized as a patient-centered medical home by Blue Cross Blue Shield.
We offer same-day appointments for current patients. Call us early to schedule.
Munson Ask a Nurse: 2321-935-0951
Hours: 9am - 8pm
Munson Urgent Care: 231-935-8686
Choosing Dr. Ruoff DO, PC practice means placing your health in the hands of compassionate professionals dedicated to personalized care. We prioritize building long-term relationships with our patients, ensuring each visit is tailored to meet your unique needs. Our team of experienced physicians and friendly staff is committed to providing comprehensive, quality healthcare for all ages in a warm, welcoming environment. With our warm and welcoming facilities and a patient-centered approach, we strive to make every experience as comfortable and effective as possible. Choose us for a family practice where you are more than just a patient – you are part of our family.
Our dedicated doctors are committed to a core mission of helping you achieve optimal health. With a focus on compassionate care and personalized treatment, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Check out our patient portal that makes communicating with your doctor even easier!
Patient Portal Info